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Answer Save 4 Answers Relevance Polly P Lv 6 1 decade ago Favourite answer No, NVQ 2 is not equivalent, it's a much lower qualification The nursing degree is a lot harder 1 0 Anonymous 1 decade ago Hi this NVQ thing when i was at work was brought in by management so they did not need to pay more for a person who was betterLG Q6 RefurbishedOriginal Unlocked LG Q LG Q6 RefurbishedOriginal Unlocked LG Q6 55 Inch 3GB RAM 32GB ROM Octa Core 4GLTE fingerprint FULL SCREEN(no polish language) $ Get the deal Cheap alternatives 1 Sony Xperia 5 II 2 OnePlus 8 Pro 3 Samsung Galaxy S Plus 5G (Qualcomm Snapdragon 865) 4 Sony Xperia 1 II 5G 5 Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus (QualcommYes WiFi , a/ac/b/g/n/n 5GHz Yes WiFi , b/g/nwifi features WiFi Direct, Mobile Hotspot WiFi Direct, Mobile Hotspotbluetooth Yes v42 Yes v42volte Yes Yesusb connectivity Mass storage device, USB charging Mass storage device, USB charging, microUSB nfc Yes No network support 4G (supports Indian bands), 3G, 2G 4G (supports Indian

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6dojd y dnvmhuiu d&% *uhhq,q y hvw$ 6wlo&dgglh,q y hvw$ 6 6dojhwkdulqjhqehw \ gqlqjiruplq uhodwly hdqghod ydqwdoodnvmhul&orxgehuu\&ohdq(qhuj\$ 6 ar ar 2History The NGVB was founded on 10 August 1924 as the KVB (Kathlieke Voetbal Bond, English, Catholic Football Association), but officially changed their name to the NGVB on 1 January 1930The name was an acronym for Nederlandsch Guyana Voetbal Bond (English, Dutch Guyanese Football Association)Together with the SVB they were the top two football,q( xursh v wrfnvv zd\hgl qw dqghpz lwk8 6 &klqdw udghv hqwlphqw 7 kh( xurshdqp dunhwz dvd ovrk hoge dfne \f rqfhuqvd erxw, wdo\¶vh frqrplfv wdelolw\d qg) udqfh¶vs rolwlfdo HQYLURQPHQWD QGI LVFDOS RVLWLRQ LQW KHO LJKWR IO DUJHS URWHVWVD QGD FFRPSDQ\LQJS ROLF\P HDVXUHVW RT XHOOW KHG LVTXLHW 8 H TXLWLHVV OXPSHGR YHUW KHI RXUWKT XDUWHU G

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